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Hi Everybody! It seems like I know alot of you already. That seems weird, but I have been lurking as you call it for a few weeks - now its an addiction LOL! I wake up to check posts and before bed and some in between!
My name is Cheryl and I am 38 - almost 39 in a couple weeks (yuck!) and I live in Ontario, Canada about 2 hours north of the border. It's in the "boonies" as all my friends say and anyone that comes here! LOL. We have already had snow and probably more this week. It is a long winter, so more projects!! We have no cel phone service, one radio station - sometimes, and one TV station! I could get satellite but then I'd spend more time watching TV and not get anything done. I would like to get HGTV tho and the other decorating channels, but then you know what happens! xanax ultram payday loans viagra no prescription phentermine on sale phentermine free shipping phentermine capsules online
I worked at the local garage doing bookeeping and I left in April to start my own things! It's crazy how busy I am and how I managed to do it all before working 40 hours. I am currently selling collectibles from my Dads and Grandpa's estate on ebay. I also go to the garage sales and flea markets, auctions and wherever to get tons of 'JUNK'. Also I am restoring a building down at my moms to make into a store, hopefully open in the spring! It will be antiques, new stuff and things made from salvage - lots of the items I see on here would be great! They also give me great ideas for my stuff!! I have been inspired by your creations to look at things in new ways now, I just grabbed a patterned broken flower pot and "SAW" mosaics!
I want to say that I enjoy coming here and seeing everyones efforts, You all have made me laugh and made me cry. I cant get over slowmedown and her creativity and verve for life. Haziemoons craft room transformation blew me away in its speed and idea. Loved the painted screens, always like to hear from Cait in Oz and am amazed at curbdivers attitude in adversity. All of your replies to bigfndl humbled me and made me realize that you are all a great bunch of people. Is there room for one more? buy viagra phentermine prescription levitra cialis ultram phentermine buy ultram debt consolidation http://www.rxsslscript.com/compteur/cheap-ambien.html] cheap ambien [/url]
Sorry for the long post, I guess I've waited too long and its built up!!